Property Taxes
The 2025 Budget has been passed by the Council of South-West Oxford. The tax levy requirement to be raised in accordance with By-law 94-2024 is $7,067,956. The Township Levy increase over the previous year is 6.12%.
The following documents outline the yearly tax rates for all property classes.
- 2024 Final Tax Rates
- 2023 Final Tax Rates
- 2022 Final Tax Rates
- 2021 Final Tax Rates
- 2020 Final Tax Rates
Property taxes collected by the municipality include rates for the upper tier, the lower tier, and for education.
More information about your property.
- February 28, 2025 (Interim Installment 1)
- May 30, 2025 (Interim Installment 2)
- August 29, 2025 (Final Installment 1 - Tentative)
- October 31, 2025 (Final Installment 2 - Tentative)
Final tax bills will be mailed at the beginning of July, 2025.
Payment Options
- Telephone or internet banking (through your bank directly, on or before the due dates).
- Your tax roll number starting with 3211 and ending with 0000 with no dashes or spaces is your account number to key in for your payment.
- The Payee name varies by bank. We typically fall under SOUTH-WEST OXFORD TWP TAXES or SOUTH-WEST OXFORD TAXES - please contact our office if you require any assistance.
- Ratepayers are welcome to apply this payment method on a regular basis, or as frequently as you wish, for better budget purposes.
- By mail to the Township of South-West Oxford, 312915 Dereham Line, Mount Elgin, ON, N0J 1N0.
- In-person at our office between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday with exception of holidays.
- Accepted payment types include cash, cheque, or debit.
- Drop-box to the right of the main office entrance.
- E-Transfer - send your payment to
- In the comment section, please list your name and property tax roll number.
The Township currently does not accept credit cards or payment over the phone.
- Please make cheques payable to The Township of South-West Oxford and note, "RETURN TAX PAYMENT STUB WITH PAYMENT". If a receipt is required, return the tax bill without detaching the stubs. We will stamp and return it to you by mail. Please pay on or before the due dates to avoid penalty.
Pay Simply: Pay taxes online by Credit Card, PayPal, or Interac e-Transfer
PaySimply is the Township's secure third-party payment provider. Payment options available via Pay Simply include:
- Pay online with any major credit card (Visa, MC, Amex), PayPal, or Interac e-Transfer.
- Please allow 3 business days for processing.
- Pay taxes in-person by debit card or cash at Canada Post.
- Visit the Pay Simply website to generate a QR code to bring with your payment.
A convenience fee will be applied to cover payment handling and processing charges.
Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Plan
The municipality offers a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan (PAP) where payments are withdrawn automatically according to the selected plan. Plan options include:
- 10 installments: withdrawn on the 15th of the month from January to October.
- 4 installments: withdrawn on the regular installment due dates (last Friday of February, May, August, and October).
- 12 installments (monthly): withdrawn on the last business day of the month from January to December.
Taxes must be paid in full to be eligible for enrollment. To enroll, return a signed copy of the PAP Application Form, with a void cheque (or bank account information print-out), to the Township Office or send it via email to the Revenue Officer.
Late Payments/Arrears
Late payments will be subject to a penalty of 1.25% on the first day of each calendar month following a due date, and each calendar month thereafter.
Interim Tax Bills are based on your prior year’s taxes. Interim billings are calculated as 50% of the prior year’s annualized total tax billing spread out over 2 payments.
Final Tax Bills are calculated as follows:
- Assessment x Property Tax Rate = Total Property Taxes for the Year
- Final Billing ** = Total Taxes – Interim Billing (this is split over the final 2 payment dates)
** Please note that Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-Residential Taxes are subject to Property Taxes continued capping calculations.
** Final Billings will also include any area-rating and local improvement charges for the full year.
All properties in Ontario are assessed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) using current market valuation. MPAC is an independent, not-for-profit corporation funded by all Ontario municipalities whose role is to accurately value and classify all properties in Ontario according to the Assessment Act and regulations established by the Ontario Government. Properties are assessed every four years and assessment values are phased in over a four-year period. For information about changes to your property assessment, click here.
Your taxes provide the following services:
- Road plowing and sanding;
- General government services;
- Fire protection services;
- Protective inspections;
- Street lighting;
- Animal control;
- Recreation facilities;
- Parks and open spaces;
- Road maintenance and signage;
- Planning and zoning services;
- Municipal drains and tile drain loans; and
- Policing services.